chronology and typology
hookah regulators
marketed from 1946 to 1978
A narghile regulator is generally used in professional diving (rarely in recreational diving). It allows you to carry out underwater work without the weight and bulk of a diving unit and therefore offers more freedom of movement, the diver carrying the Hookah double hose regulator using a harness (harness) . It is supplied with compressed air at medium pressure (approximately 10 bar) thanks to a long flexible hose (average length of 30 meters), connected on the surface to a medium pressure compressor or a tank of high pressure air expanded to medium pressure by through a first floor.
In 1943, among the 3 prototypes of air-liquid regulator, one of them was in hookah version, it is the one that you see on the photograph below, the only one that I know. It is the "ancestor" of the hookah ( in french its narghilés ) of the La Spirotechnique which will be marketed until 1976, since after this date the professional branch will be abandoned by the brand.
There are 3 models of double hose hookah marketed between 1951 and 1976:

The hookah CG45
As explained on the CG45 page, the hookah version was produced occasionally and on demand until 1955. "La Spirotechnique" released a last series probably of 1000 units that year, which I called the late hookah version of the CG-45 regulator. The manufacturer's label is therefore a SA LA SPIROTECHNIQUE. The body is exactly the same as the yoke version, just the mechanism of the first stage is removed, replaced by a cap on the membrane side.
Unlike all CG45 which use large numbers to punch their serial number, the serial numbers of this last series are stamped with small numbers as on MISTRAL label from 1956. This confirms in my opinion a late production of CG45 hookah in parallel with the production of the first MISTRAL regulators with the address "COGNACQ JAY" which they used to stamp their serial number the same machine as that of the previous CG45 (big figures on the first MISTRAL). For this late series I have identified serial numbers included between 5206 and 6194 , and all the CG45 observed in this interval have the characteristics indicated previously.
- The CG-45 in hookah version with small label SA LA SPIROTECHNIQUE.

Slideshow of CG45 hookah before 1955 and the late version.
(click to enlarge the photos)
The CG45 hookah with US-DIVERSE body
address 27 Rue Trébois LEVALLOIS (Seine)
Released in 1956, after the move of "La Spirotechnique" to Levallois, the Narghilé MISTRAL retains the characteristics of the CG-45 with a "US DIVERS" body with its MP connection at 30 ° to the housing. It is mounted with a manufacturer's label from MISTRAL and will be marketed until 1964. One precision, the HP body does not allow to reassemble the mechanism of the first stage to transform it into a yoke regulator version, as was the case on the narghile CG45 . A final feature, the serial numbers of all these hookahs ends with the letter G without us knowing the meaning.

Slideshow of CG45 hookah with US VARIOUS body and Mistral label.
(click to enlarge the photos)
-The MISTRAL hookah with gold and navy blue manufacturer's label as AQUILON or SPIRO 8 regulator.
The MISTRAL hookah with label as regulators AQUILON or SPIRO 8
The MISTRAL hookah written with a U was released in 1965 and only a small series of 400 copies was produced. It is therefore one of the rarest regulators to find ...
the front pan will remain that of the CG 45 while the rear pan is that of the MISTRAL. Abandonment of clips to close the case in favor of the ring which facilitates its maintenance and new more efficient low-pressure mechanism similar to the mechanism of the second stages with a mouth with an oversized nozzle.
The manufacturer's plate is of good quality and does not electrolysis in a marine environment.

Slideshow of the Mistral hookah written with a U
(click to enlarge the photos)
In 1968 "La Spirotechnique" modifies the spelling of the hookah (Narghilé in french) and decides to write it with an H (For the little hookah story can be written with a U or an H, the 2 spellings are accepted). It will be marketed until 1976, when "La Spirotechnique", which is going through an unprecedented financial crisis, will decide to stop its professional branch. Its manufacturer's label is made of aluminum and electrolyses quickly in contact with the marine environment.
It is for this reason that it is difficult to find them with manufacturer label in good condition. It was produced in total less than 3000 NARGHILÉ MISTRAL or about 300 copies per year, so it is a relatively rare regulator.

Slideshow of the Mistral hookah written with an H
(click to enlarge the photos)

MISTRAL hookah regulator associated with a LAMA bubble helmet. Photo credit Philippe Rousseau.
Simple hose hookahs
In 1968 "La Spirotechnique" released a narghile version of Spiro 8 with 4 outlets to decompress with oxygen (landing under the boat with trapeze) but also a late version? with a single outlet and a 40 or 50 series first stage.

4 divers version

1 diver version
In 1968 "La spirotechnique" will also release a version of the hookah aquilon, it is equipped with a 30-meter MP pipe with a non-return valve. It is originally designed with its first stage to rig it on a block (small quick intervention), but nothing prevents it from being connected to a low pressure compressor.

Hooked version Aquilon with belt harness

Thanks to Niels Sejr Oxenvad for these 3 photos from his Narghile collection.